
Becoming a Security Trainer
To deliver licence-linked security qualifications and protective security qualifications in the UK you must be competent in the sector that you wish to teach in.
Approved trainers/assessors seeking to deliver licence-linked qualifications and above must successfully complete a range of formal qualifications which includes a generic teaching qualification at Level 3 or above, and depending on what courses are being delivered, may also require a conflict management trainers’ qualification and physical intervention trainers’ qualification, in addition you must also hold an assessor unit.
To deliver non-licenced linked qualifications you must be sector competent and hold the correct formal qualifications to deliver in your chosen field.

Competency and Capability Frameworks
The framework is a structure that defines the level of competency required by individuals working within an organisation and are set against a set of minimum standards. The framework, if done well, will increase clarity around expectation of what is required from the individual and will support an increase the organisations performance. By identifying career pathways, the skills required for those pathways will allow individuals to perform effectively at their level of competency.

Penetration Testing
Effective physical security of any asset is achieved by defence in depth (different layers of security that will Deter, Detect, Delay an intruder or attacker). If a single layer is lost, or compromised, the security of the asset is not significantly reduced if the ability to respond to the situation is effective, and within a time-line to protect the assets. Penetration testing will provide physical security assurance by trying to penetrate existing layered defences to then feedback on potential vulnerability on the multi layers of the security estate.

Operational Requirements (OR)
Operational Requirements (OR) enable an organisation to produce a statement of requirement, or a statement of need, based on the risk and threat faced by an individual, organisation or event. By completing an operational requirement, you will have a prioritised list of protective security measures and recommendations to enable measures to be implemented that follow the principles of Deter, Detect, Delay and Respond.